Location Coords from a Web page

Get your WGS84 lat/lng coords from a webpage: https://spatial-intelligence.github.io/gnss/gps_coords.html

.. or download and run html page locally on your browser to get Lat / Lng details to 6+ decimal places Smartphone Location Details (GNSS)

Referring Expressions Anchored Language (REAL) Corpus

Crowd-sourced data set of natural language references to objects anchored in complex urban scenes

LREC2016 - REAL corpus

Virtual Machine with Computer Vision tools for Open Source Intelligence

OSINT4RIGHTS - VM - open source intelligence lab virtual machine

FaceSearch tool (Docker version)

Teaching Tools for Children

Hangman Game for kids: https://spatial-intelligence.github.io/hangman/index.html

Tools to help teach children to read analogue clock: https://spatial-intelligence.github.io/teachingclock/clock.html

Location + Photo Data logger for Symbian S60 Nokia phones

Audio, image & position (GNSS) data logger for Nokia S60 smartphones

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